How to Donate?

We use a third party organization called Axia International to help us process donations. This is how to donate.

Click Donate Now

Click on any Donate Now button across our website to go to the Aixa International donation page.

Login / Create Account / Guest

If you have donated before and have a user account already, you can login. Or you can create an account or donate as a guest without creating an account. Creating an account lets you login to see your giving history.

Fill Out the Giving Form

Set the amount you wish to give, fill out your payment information and please consider grossing up your amount to cover processing fees.

Submit and THANK YOU!

Click on the submit button on the very botton of the form. Thank you very much for donating!

Frequently Asked Questions


Can you please explain the giving process?

We use a nonprofit accounting firm (Axia International) that handles all funds, accounting, wire transfers, back office, etc. They take a 4% fee that helps cover bank fees, management costs and support (which you can optionally include in your donation). They also handle tax deduction reporting, etc., under their 501c3 status.  Axia International allows us to operate with virtually no overhead costs so that 100% of your donations go directly into making the most significant impact in Ukraine possible.

For more information about Axia International, please see:

What are some other ways I can help?

Prayer: Sign up to pray for Ukraine and receive updates:

Follow us on Social Media, Like/Share/Comment on our posts and help spread the word!

I'm having issues donating, what can I do?

Please email or call (877) 678-7323.

How much of my donation goes to Ukraine?

We have no overhead at Ignis Invictus meaning that your whole donation will go to Ukraine except for the 4% fee that helps cover bank fees, management costs and support. (Which you choose to include in your donation)

Is this Tax Deductible?


Make a Donation